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Our Impact

Meditation Classes are offered to a welcoming community here in the Chicago area, suburbs and especially in Evanston. For most, in person learning has been cherished. Now, a virtual space is available for all to learn from home about their favorite theme – self- discovery! There is now a blend of online and in person services that will enable people to learn from the comfort of their home or while travelling.

Free monthly healing hour, and more recently a monthly reading hour, is open to the public for the last 24 years These are popular. Simple healing techniques that have been learned in healing classes are shared by healers. In this sharing there is growth of a sense of appreciation and gratitude amongst members of the community as well as newcomers.

The center participates in fundraising events. For example, fundraisers at the Des Plaines Public Library increased visits from new and old patrons as they receive fun intuitive communication or else known as an intuitive reading. Adopt-a-Pet has benefitted by animal readers at fundraisers in the past and ongoing pet clinics that provide a soul perspective into the lives of animals. Many collaborative fundraising events like the ones with the Edgar Cayce Holistic Center are rewarding and fun for all the members, volunteers, healers and readers. New and returning students at a community college have enjoyed the start of their semester with a night of music, pizza, dance and readings. Annual festival events such as the Custer Street Fair (which is being recreated) and Mind Body Expo’s are examples of being visible in public and talking about our classes and programs.

Guest teachers, be it online or in person, from places such as Portland, Columbus, Boulder, San Diego, San Jose, Oakland bring inspiration and expertise in areas of advanced healing and facilitate group healing clinics to our students and the public. The center has its own teachers that are dedicated to bringing learning to others. The Clairvoyant Center welcomes people from all backgrounds and lifestyles.


“Las técnicas de meditación que he aprendido en el centro Clarividente de Chicago son muy singulares.No solo se me ha brindado la orientación general y se me han proporcionado las herramientas necesarias para conectarme a tierra correctamente y despejar mis pensamientos por completo, sino que también he aprendido a utilizar dichas herramientas para aplicarlas en la derrota de las luchas de mi vida cotidiana. Son mi medio de supervivencia y me permiten estar mentalmente equilibrada y espiritualmente centrada.Mi calidad de vida ha mejorado mucho desde que asistí al Centro y he llegado a apreciar sinceramente. Estoy muy agradecida con Zubin y todos los profesores del Centro.” V.Miranda

‘Après avoir examiné plusieurs cours de méditation proposés en ligne, le Clairvoyant Center de Chicago était l'école intuitive la plus attrayante du site Web, de l'abordabilité et des interactions par téléphone. Après mon premier cours, j'ai immédiatement reçu la validation instantanée d'un environnement qui a nourri l'esprit de grandir avec curiosité à la maternelle tout en offrant de la compassion pour le voyage déjà parcouru. Je me sentais complètement en sécurité pour explorer, entièrement soutenu et j'ai eu l'opportunité de jouer en tant qu'esprit. C'était extrêmement valorisant et j'ai ressenti une plénitude qui était souvent considérée auparavant comme un esprit.

Je recommande fortement CCC à tous ceux qui cherchent à explorer leurs sensibilités individuelles en tant que cadeaux uniques dans le monde que nous vivons tous quotidiennement.’

continuer les bénédictions
dans l'amour et la lumière🦋
Marcelle D. Davis,Connecticut

  "In Clairvoyant Training I experienced a big shift in the way I approach my life and my everyday challenges. I still have the same job, the same apartment, the same relationship, and the same socioeconomic status as before Clairvoyant Training, but I now have the tools and daily practice to free me from old patterns, worries, fears, conflicts, and roles. I have greater access to my own amusement, inspiration, and creativity. Another way of saying it is: I have moved out old fears, worries, conflicts, and limitations and replaced them with amusement, inspiration, and creativity. I am also more in touch with who I am--separate from how other people see me or want me to be. I have become more comfortable being myself, I am more accepting of myself, and I am less likely to confuse other people’s dreams and goals with my own dreams and goals. The result is less self-punishment and less self-judgment. I delight in being who I am."   Tisa Batchelder, Songwriter, author, singer   Evanston                 


“The teachings have changed me completely I can see the change within me and around me and sense synchronicity as part of my daily life. I have learned how to manage my thoughts and how to move forward in life with ease. I have learned about grounding and tools that assist me in my daily life. I am motivated to practice what I’ve learned and have made a spiritual decision to move forward. I can hardly wait to find out more of who I am. I want to thank the clairvoyant school of Chicago and all the wonderful Loving teachers that create the school and make it possible for people like me to access Love and light and wisdom. I look forward to continuing my spiritual education with the school.” Veronica Miranda. Business owner, Evanston.

“When I started to take classes I had questions that I wanted answered and certain moments that I wanted to experience as a soul in human form. As each classes came and went, I  decided to let go of the past time beliefs that conducted ‘my steering’ in life. What I've learned about the process is how freeing it is without many expectations. The more I persisted to hold on to old conditioning in my mind, since childhood, the more painful and difficult it got. I'm grateful to say that what I attained in classes and otherwise have given me inspiration to let go of the old and embrace the mystery of life and welcome my transformation to this day.” Judith Pierce. Teacher, Chicago.

    "Since I began the classes I've noticed that time is slowing down for me. I've also been able to handle a lot more than usual. I've never been great at living in the present but I'm definitely getting better. The tools I have learned have aided me in a sort of revealing of my true self. During this class I was facing a lot of changes. I decided to end a disharmonious work relationship and after a somewhat rough transitional period I found a new job doing work I love. I also appreciate the openness and calmness of the CC instructors and their non " guru" attitudes. I've attended many spiritual workshops and the vibe has always been you need this or this is the one and only teaching! These tools are very practical and really do work for the modern spiritual student."        Patricia Biesen, Artist, Evanston

"It took me almost a year to decide to actually speak to someone at the center after a friend recommended it.  I decided to take a intro workshop.  I don't remember the name of the workshop but it was enough to intrigue me.  The decision to attend revolved mainly around my idea that there was more to my life and what is my purpose.  It is man's age old question.  I've had various experiences in my life that I’ve accepted as being part of who I am.  In the process-I have read, studied and attended different types of esoteric practices but always left feeling not completely satisfied.  During my training at the center, I was able to put it all together and I don't worry about my purpose as much and I'm more satisfied with my abilities.   As a friend of my mine use to say, "we are spirits having a human experience" so I'm enjoying that knowledge.  And as we all know when you are ready the teacher will be there. Thank you." Peggy M., Compliance Officer, Chicago

      "Today I experience tremendous freedom from the many patterns and energies that made life difficult to live fully before I discovered meditation.  I have tools to use that help me expand my awareness and have seniority over the energies and feelings that previously seemed to run me!  I continue to grow on this amazing journey, and am daily thankful for the gift it is in my life.  Incidentally, the energy work helped me reclaim my faith as well, helping me to see and access the truths hidden within my tradition in ways that are more nourishing and sustaining.  Now, I experience 'retreat' in the midst of my normal life, thanks to energy healing and meditation." Elizabeth Jameson, Rector

     “In my journey as a part of my church, I can deliver my sermons with a sense of grace and fulfillment for myself and others. Being grounded has helped me connect with people in a way where I can assist them in whatever they need.” JTR, Priest, Seattle

“…a truly safe place for learning personal techniques of spiritual growth.  The tools taught for grounding, centering, aligning with energies of the earth of and of the stars… all these help a person grow as an individual and one comes to understand oneself more fully.  Most importantly the environment is safe and self-paced - everything is offered simply, and can be learned according to the individual’s time and interest.”   Sandra L. Williams, Ph.D. Park Ridge

"When we began the year long clairvoyant program, we were asked to list what we were expecting to gain from it. My goals were simple.  They included wanting to find myself, and to discover God on a personal level, leaving behind the rules, regulations and restrictions put in place by man. Little did I know, I would not only reach each and every one of these goals, but I would surpass them with flying colors.  I learned to push past the surface and dig deep to find my true spirit. Learning to connect my spirit and body was a tremendous tool in beginning my new life. If I do sense something is off, I have the tools to look at why I feel off and change it.  I can appreciate the growth periods I go through and soar through them because I know that this life is a journey, not something to “survive”.  Shelly Nichols,Oklahoma