Bonus: Program comes discounted workshops outside of class.
Clairvoyant Training Prerequisite: Must complete Clairvoyance 1 & 2.
Starts in March 2025 let us know if you are interested. Registration form available.
At the heart of the 12month intuitive training lies an opportunity for your own self-discovery. The information and tools from Beginning Clairvoyance 1 will assist you in exploring your intuitive self with tools and techniques. Beginning Clairvoyance 2 builds on the first class and takes you into the mechanics of reading using your clairvoyant energy. The clairvoyant training helps you to gather up your spiritual energy and fine tune your visual awareness. You will cultivate your self-relationship to bring new meaning to life. There is a lot to cover! Learn about the different areas of your spiritual anatomy, clear your karmic ties, your spiritual library and its records keeper, give and receive energy healings, and more! Bonus: This training comes with healings and individual check in’s every other month.
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Beginning Clairvoyance 1 This is an ongoing six-week class.
Receive a discount for early registration!
Many of us are looking for answers to bring meaning to our lives and to use in the moment. What if you were to discover that uncovering the inner guidance is much easier then you think? Create the space within let surface your inner guidance and let go of the stuckness as needed.
Each week you will use a different tool and be able to use every day.
Grounding -establish a connection to the Earth
Energy system- learn about the energy system that sits snug inside you.
Visual awareness - use your clairvoyance energy and awareness to recenter and explore the creation of new possibilities.
Change - learn to embrace your inner transformation
Everyday life- be free to experiment with what you are learning.
Your wants and desires can come to clarity and as you explore your spirituality, being grounded through the process is beneficial to you and all that is around you.
Many people have used meditation to help in their work, relationship, being of service to others or just have calmness in their life. This class is taught in the energy of a spiritual kindergarten.
Healing techniques and tools are part of the clairvoyant program.
4-6 months of learning about pets and animals. Our pets do so much for us, we can learn how to do for them by learning to set an energy and space to assist them.
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